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شخصيات اسلامية الشخصيات الاسلاميه التى صنعت تاريخنا

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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-27-2012, 07:24 PM   #1
كبير المراقبين
تاريخ التسجيل: Nov 2011
المشاركات: 270
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
NESR is on a distinguished road
افتراضي رد: نبذة مختصــرة عن أنبيــــــاء الله رضى الله عنهم


‏ولد سيدنا يعقوب وكان له 11 أخا وكان أبوه يحبه كثيرا وفي ذات ليلة رأى أحد عشر كوكبا والشمس والقمر له ساجدين، فقص على والده ما رأى فقال له ألا يقصها على إخوته، ولكن الشيطان وسوس لإخوته فاتفقوا على أن يلقوه في غيابات الجب وادعوا أن الذئب أكله، ثم مر به ناس من البدو فأخذوه وباعوه بثمن بخس واشتراه عزيز مصر وطلب من زوجته أن ترعاه، ولكنها أخذت تراوده عن نفسه فأبى فكادت له ودخل السجن، ثم أظهر الله براءته وخرج من السجن ، واستعمله الملك على شئون الغذاء التي أحسن إدارتها في سنوات القحط، ثم اجتمع شمله مع إخوته ووالديه وخروا له سجدا وتحققت رؤياه.‏

Joseph [Yusuf] : Joseph was the favorite son of Jacob. Once in a dream he saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon all bowing down to him. He went to his father and told him about his dream. He was happy, but advised his son not to tell his brothers about that dream. The brothers envied Joseph for his father loved him much more than any of them. They plotted to throw him in a well, and told his father that he had been killed by a wolf. Then, he was picked up by caravans who sold him to the Egyptian King for a low price. The king took care of Joseph, who preferred to be imprisoned rather than to yield to the lustful desires of the King's wife. Having been proved innocent, Joseph was released from prison and was appointed administrator of
Egypt's grain storehouses which he managed wisely during the years of famine. During this period, Joseph's brothers came to Egypt seeking grain. Joseph made himself known to them and asked them to bring their family, including his father, to Egypt. They came and bo wed down to him as a fulfillment of his first dream.

‏يونس (ذو النون)‏

‏أرسله الله إلى قوم نينوى فدعاهم إلى عبادة الله وحده ولكنهم أبوا واستكبروا فتركهم وتوعدهم بالعذاب بعد ثلاث ليال فخشوا على أنفسهم فآمنوا فرفع الله عنهم العذاب، أما يونس فخرج في سفينة وكانوا على وشك الغرق فاقترعوا لكي يحددوا من سيلقى من الرجال فوقع ثلاثا على يونس فرمى نفسه في البحر فالتقمه الحوت وأوحى الله إليه أن لا يأكله فدعا يونس ربه أن يخرجه من الظلمات فاستجاب الله له وبعثه إلى مائة ألف أو يزيدون.‏

Jonah [Yunus, Dhul-Nun] : Jonah was Allah's messenger to the people of Ninawa to invite them to the worship of the Only True God. When they rejected him, he threatened them that punishment would come within three nights. Out of fear of being punished they believed in Allah. Jonah departed his people and later was on board of a sinking ship. After casting lots three times, Jonah was chosen to be thrown in the sea. He was swallowed by a great whale and was disgorged unharmed three days later. He was then sent to more than 100, 000 persons calling them to the worship of Allah.


‏كان نوح تقيا صادقا أرسله الله ليهدي قومه وينذرهم عذاب الآخرة ولكنهم عصوه وكذبوه، ومع ذلك استمر يدعوهم إلى الدين الحنيف فاتبعه قليل من الناس، واستمر الكفرة في طغيانهم فمنع الله عنهم المطر ودعاهم نوح أن يؤمنوا حتى يرفع الله عنهم العذاب فآمنوا فرفع الله عنهم العذاب ولكنهم رجعوا إلى كفرهم، وأخذ يدعوهم 950 سنة ثم أمره الله ببناء السفينة وأن يأخذ معه زوجا من كل نوع ثم جاء الطوفان فأغرقهم أجمعين.‏

Noah [Nuh] : Noah was a pious, sincere and truthful man. Allah chose him to guide his people who were idol-worshipers. Noah tried hard to make his people abandon idols and worship Allah alone, but only the poor followed him. Allah kept the rain from them, and Noah called them to accept the true faith so that Allah may give them rain and blessing. They feigned acceptance, but when Allah finally sent the rain to them and blessed their crops and children, they reverted to infidelity. After nine hundred and fifty years of persistent preaching, Noah despaired of those people and invoked Allah against them. Allah answered his prayer and ordered him to construct the
Ark in which he and his followers would be saved. Then came the Flood which destroyed the blaspheming people completely.

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